Tuesday, September 29, 2009

#12 Conclusions and review

looking back, to be honest, there is much that isn't relevant to my position. but there are a few thing that are useful perhaps to SLV or the industry.

-library thing tags to supplement LOC subjects. i like this idea, using everyday language to index items, loc can sometimes be rather unintuitive or the spelling is not australian english.

-free web based software for word processing etc. great since we don't have microsoft licensing

-rss readers. this is an easy way to get all the info from one spot and when you feel like looking at it, rather than clumping up your email inbox. would be a great way to keep up to date with industry info. love that it is fully searchable and you can star items of interest. I use this heaps in my personal like.
-podcasts. again, would be good for industry info. recordings in your spare time.

The Learning 2.0 program itself was interesting and fun, I think I got more out of it in terms of personal life rather than my work at slv. It was also very time consuming and I'm not sure that the benefits made it worth the time spent. I don't necessarity think the library needs to have experts in 2.0 to the depth the program went.

Optional Exercise 1. Social Networking Websites.
i have only briefly experienced twitter - in the mx which is full of celebrity self indulgant rubbish, and from one guy's fairly hilarious twitter account which quotes his 73 year old dad(warning, coarse language).
here's me thinking that loc might be an interesting twitter account. but its just confusing language and keeps linking off to other sites. not that useful i don't think...
tweetup, tweeps, inspiration monkeys??? leave it at that i think.


Monday, August 31, 2009

#11 More Web 2.0 Applications & Library 2.0

Lulu won best category for Books in the Web 2.0 awards, 2008. I've never heard of lulu.com so I had a peek. Free self publishing? It's an interesting idea, possibly very self-indulgent also... it incorporates print on demand publishing too. They have very groovily including an image of the iphone using digital publications and that's got my interest. The music would be worth looking at.

im cooked - winner for food category, search easily gives me how to poach an egg, which i would love to be able to do like cafes and never can.

boo.com looks like fun to explore too, travel reviews, if this is up to date it would be really helpful.

Loving sites that integrate google maps into their site. Bars, restaurants especially. Real estate really handy for quick view of where things are sitting. The Domain site that was an example of Brunswick property showed Africa... ha. So if not maintained this can be more embarrassing for the site than helpful.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

#10 Video Sharing Websites - YouTube

LOC videos are so cool! Amazing old footage of horse drawn fire 'truck's, baton twirling athlete and bucking broncos in 1890s.

My use of youtube is mostly for music clips and some how-to tutorials, and also funny clips of cats and dogs. can't help myself there, sorry.

Teachertube doesn't interest me, but I may recommend it to a couple of friends in the industry.

Oh! Too funny, I just found this on Science Hack, just the name of it grabbed my attention, and the still shot clinched it. I'm pretty sure I searched for 'tomato plant' (yes very exciting) and this came up:

Hexapod Dance Competition - Hagenberg/Austria

Yes, little dancing robots. If you skip forward to the 1 minute mark, I'm pretty sure that guy is doing the twist!!

#9 Flickr

Picture Australia have an initiative where you can download public domain images and mash them up and submit to a flickr group. This is interesting, and I check that out further to see what they've come up with and if any SLV images have been used...

Rossco ( Image Focus Australia )

I have found on the desk already that when searching PictureAustralia, images from flickr appear. It can be useful to demonstrate more contemporary documentary images, as opposed to the historical archived images.

The most fun to be had on flickr is the drawing tool where you use something like MS Paint and do a drawing or just mark some colour and then flickr matches its results to your drawing. Have not thought of a real life use for this apart from fun.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Optional Exercise: Technorati

Just having a quick peek at Technorati. I don't love it yet. Searched for 'breakfast melbourne' and didn't get anything of real use. Hoping to find something like the breakfastout blog, which is my handy go to guide on the weekend. and it picked out individual posts in blogs rather than blogs on that subject. okay, so refined search to just blogs, not posts...

It didn't seem to find any breakfast blogs, not that I could tell from the brief summary. Also didn't come up with the one I had in my head. So, based on that one attempt I don't think I would use this! Happy to just use google, or have things recommended to me in google reader.

# 8 Catalogue your own books with Library Thing

i heart librarything.

my dad keeps buying books he's already got, then getting half way through and realising. also he's right into the grisham thrillers etc and no one else knows what he's got or what to buy as presents. now he catalogues them and we can check his account for ideas.

i found that one of my favourite books ever, has only one other person registered who owns it.

Wrongboy's history of the Earth by Will Bishop-Threenames, er, Will Bishop-Stevens.

Stunning wit and illustrations, and he is not a shoddy wobbler.

#7 Tagging and Del.icio.us

we'll be tagging soon apparently. tagging and reviewing.

i've heard of uni students tagging book records with their subject names which is a bit clever.

it could allow for more modern terms to be included by patrons. but, it seems that it needs a great deal of involvement and participation from many people to be of use.

i can see the benefits of delicious but i haven't used it. i tend to collect websites through either rss or through the google notebook program where you can paste urls and then write notes about them. or i just remember them. or google back to them.

having just started reading Kerry Greenwood's books, I found that people have been tagging away at Yarra Plenty...